Wednesday, February 25, 2009

#12. The SONG QUOTE Update


"Liza Kitter kissed a girl, and she liked it!"
"Robin Lamb forget her umbrella, ella, ella, ella."
"Isaac Clapp won't hesitate no more no more."

If you're a frequent Facebooker, you've no doubt suffered from status update block at one point or another, and that's when the Song Quote update can come in handy. It's pretty self-explanatory. When you can't think of anything good to say, summon a good poet or lyricist, and you'll have easily have one of the most compelling status updates around. Plus, song writers are adept at zeroing in on universal themes like love, loneliness, hope, despair and forgotten umbrellas, so why not just channel the pros when you can't think of the exact right words to sum up your mood?

Got a good example? Post it in the Comments section.

1 comment:

  1. I think some people also try to flex their obscure music muscles in their status.
