Monday, March 30, 2009



"Ruby Elder is so blessed by God's merciful love!"
"Marcus Etts would be nothing without Jesus."
"Lara Roder is glad his Savior was with him today."

Facebook is so often used and abused for other kinds of networking than social, like doing business (use LinkedIn!) or posting your band events (use MySpace!). But using the Look How Religious I Am update to spread the Good News really thumbs its holier-than-thou nose at all the others.

There you are, scrolling through your news feed (Becky went to the gym, Andrew wrote his philosophy paper, Cora can't stand her inlaws), and without warning, there it is staring at you in the face: "Lucy thanks God for His grace." And all of a sudden the fun is over, and you're forced to confront deep questions about the Meaning of Life and the Purpose of the Universe as you decide whether to be annoyed or encouraged by your friend's public display of affection for Jesus.

Got a good example? Leave it in the Comments section.


  1. They annoy me too.

  2. I don't want to go to hell for posting this, but it is fresh in my mind, since Easter was a few weeks ago. I have a born-again Christian friend from high school. I love her dearly, but let me just say that she has CHANGED. This was her FB status on Easter: "Thank you Jesus for loving me so much that you suffered and hung on a cross to die for my sins. Indescribable!"

    I held back from commenting "Jesus doesn't read facebook".

  3. What would Jesus's status be? "Jesus is enjoying just another fucking day in paradise."
