"Lewis Hardy has written 4 pages of his 10-page paper. Only six more to go ... sigh"
"Lewis Hardy has written 6 pages!"
"Lewis Hardy Eight pages, nothing else to say!"
"Lewis Hardy is DONE WITH HIS PAPER!"
Please. We never asked about that paper in the first place, and now we're getting a play-by-play. This illustrates the fact that the most frequent FB updaters tend to be the ones who are doing very little of interest. We don't update every hour when we're parasailing down in Turks and Caicos ("Tammy Frank is flying over the ocean!" "Tammy Frank is landing!" "Tammy Frank is paying $40 to do it again!" "Tammy Frank is flying again!") We update when we're doing something so boring that we're dying to get a break.
But that's what FB is for. It's part therapist, part coach, part community outreach center. We're all rooting for you on your boring history paper, Lewis Hardy. Especially because we're sick of hearing about it and would like you to finish already!